When Holidays are Hard
When Holidays are Hard Tips for coping with a food-centric season (Family Features) During the holidays, no matter where you turn, you find food, food and more food. From vendor treats filling the office breakroom to celebratory dinners with family and friends, virtually everything and everyone seems to be focused on food. For someone working […]
What He Wants: Healthy Relatonships
What He Wants: A Healthy Woman By Marc Alexander Everybody wants a “healthy” relationship. “Healthy” sounds rich, satisfying and oh-so-fulfilling. It sounds Cliff and Claire Huxtable-ish. It sounds solid and everlasting. How do you get and keep a healthy relationship if you’re not sure you are healthy yourself? Healthy – what is it? More specifically […]
Health & Wellness: Ready for Romance?
February 14th is a date on our calendar that tells us we’re ready for romance – or, that at least we should be. But how do we know for sure that, emotionally, we’ve healed from past relational disappointments to the point that we can truly love again? And what are some of the red flags […]