By Teryl Warren It’s natural to assume that Sheila E. has led, well, a glamorous life. Her illustrious career has spanned three media (music, television and film), more than three decades, and has included performances with some of the music industry’s most legendary performers. It’s also difficult to believe that a life […]
Why He’s Not Married By Drew Allen I recently read an article featured in the Huffington Post that explored the reasons why so many women aren’t married! As the writer, having been married three times herself, proclaimed the real reason these eager-to-be brides are still waiting to jump the broom, it got me to thinking […]
Purse Strings: PeaceKeeper Cause-metics
PeaceKeeper Cause-metics founder Jody Weiss was born in an era when principles like fair treatment and fair trade took precedence over profit margins… or, at least we’d like to think they did. Heavily influenced by her mother’s peace efforts during the Vietnam War era, Jody left a lucrative career as a sports agent to […]
Wiles Tunes: “IN THE MOOD” MUSIC
What sort of music gets you in the mood for romance? Is it the prospect of a passion that just won’t quit, or the promise of a love that will never die? Whatever it takes to get you going, we guarantee, you’ll find a love song on this list that will set your heart […]
Health & Wellness: Ready for Romance?
February 14th is a date on our calendar that tells us we’re ready for romance – or, that at least we should be. But how do we know for sure that, emotionally, we’ve healed from past relational disappointments to the point that we can truly love again? And what are some of the red flags […]
The Greatest Celebrity Romance?
By Marc Alexander February is the month of Valentine’s Day – the holiday spilling over with love and romance. In today’s technology intensified Facebook and Twitter-soaked world, love and romance are very fluid and relative concepts. Romance can start on-line in minutes, and be sustained from afar through hours of instant messages. Courtship now […]