Candice Anitra and Mustafa Effortless are The Love Machine Project. Equal parts left-of-soul songstress and consciousness-raising emcee, this dynamic duo bridged the East and West Coasts to birth their brand of ephemeral Tina-Turner-meets-Guru-mannered alien pop. Now they follow up their first single with the release of the video for “Earth” which blends an even funkier and more ephemeral groove with a rhythm that compels active head-nodding.
The track was conceived as a genuflection to the elements and planet, with imagery birthed from a meditation of visualizing oneself embracing the planet, giving her a name and a face, so the listener hears the story of Earth personified.
At a time when humanity and Mother Nature are too often conceptualized separately, The Love Machine Project conveys Earth as a lover, a mother, a significant other to bring the ills she’s experiencing into sharper focus.
“We think about singing in terms of storytelling, so the blending of my vocals with his rhymes works because it’s as though he is filling a space, expounding on same ideas, themes and emotions that I’m singing about. These days, when attention is such a commodity, I think it’s easier for people to access our message with one voice being more female, and one more male.”
Mustafa echoed Candice’s sentiments. “When singers and emcees collaborate on a song, you feel a sort of tension and release. It’s the best of both worlds. We play with our voices a lot, and there’s a lot of nuance in our music.”
Their single “Earth” is a plea to save the planet and was released on the anniversary of the devastating Hurricane Sandy, but they don’t necessarily consider their music “message music” – at least, not in the traditional sense.
“We’re not granola singers or rappers, but it’s obvious we can’t go on not talking about things,” Mustafa said. “We have to keep singing songs that raise awareness [and] that say ’If we keep going on this way, we’ll destroy ourselves.’”
The Love Machine Project is slated to head back into the studio soon and they’re definitely looking forward to re-teaming with some of their past producers and collaborators.
“Being in the studio is so much fun, if it wasn’t so costly, I’d do it every month, “ Candice shared.
“Our producers are really on their stuff, they know how to take stuff to the next level,” Mustafa added.
When we spoke to Candice and Mustafa they were in the throes of pulling together a flash mob – aptly named “The Love Mob” – slated to descend upon an unsuspecting shopping center in LA, and break out singing The Beatles’ classic tune “All You Need is Love.”
Whether in the studio or in the streets, The Love Machine Project seeks to encourage each of us to spread love as a lifestyle.
“Whoever you are, whatever you do, do it passionately and with love because you can and because we need it,” Candice implored.
“I mirror that,” Mustafa concurred. “Love is all there is, truly.”
To keep up with The Love Machine Project, please visit:
You can also download on The Love Machine Project’s music at: Soundcloud/Lovemachineproject