Get Spoiled! By Cece Hendriks
Why is it that oftentimes, the most stylish women – dressed to the nine in all things couture – will let their children walk out of the house looking like Raggedy Ann and Andy? Ladies, we’re here to remind you that children can be fashionistas too!
Of course, those precious little “mini-mes” grow like weeds, so keeping their style up with their growing limbs may keep you trapped in a garage sale of kiddie fashion conundrum. So how does a fashion-forward mom or auntie keep the kids on-trend without breaking her bank? Well, naturally, you find a way to Spoil them!
Meet Cece Hendriks
Spoiled is an upscale online consignment shop for children that sells exclusive designer brands for under 200 dollars! Cece Hendriks is a fashionista who values quality clothes for all ages, and by blending her love of fashion with a sense of pragmatism, the Founder and CEO of Spoiled! Fashionz turned her vision into a business that is soon to become every stylish mother’s dream.
“Oftentimes celebrities are given clothes, and half of the time, they forget they even have them, so they bag them up. And I’m like, ‘give me that bag!’” Cece jokes.
Because of this method for procuring the items, all designer clothing sold by Spoiled! is either brand new or barely worn.
“I’m taking donations from people that can afford to have these kind of clothes and being able to sell them to people who want to afford [designer labels] but can’t afford to spend four to five hundred dollars on tennis shoes. It’s about giving back because I have been blessed.”
Clients can either donate clothing or receive a percentage of the sales. In addition Spoiled often donates received designer fashions and gives a percentage of its earnings to the Janesse Center – an intervention program that helps families who have suffered from domestic violence.
The inspiration for Spoiled! came from Cece’s traveling all over the world and being inspired by how chic children dress internationally. Having a young son herself, Cece loves to keep him fashion forward. After accumulating an overflowing amount of clothing over the years, she realized that oftentimes his clothes went to waste because he grew out of them or simply never wore them.
After talking with other mothers and celebrity friends who experienced the same dilemma, Cece decided to launch Spoiled!
“When starting a business you have to do research to see who’s doing the same thing you’re doing. With fashion, you have to know what’s in right now and what s out. Know your niche. The reason I chose more high-end clothing is because no one is doing that. You have to stand out from the rest and have something that’s going to make people come to you. Have passion, but you also have to have a niche and do your research.”
Think children’s clothing is child’s play? Think again. As Cece told us, shopping for your kids’ clothing isn’t just about the present – it’s an investment into their fashion futures.
“I really believe fashion starts at home,” Cece told us. “At the end of the day, when they grow up, they’re going to have to dress themselves. If you dress them crazy as kids, that’s how they’re going to [dress when they] grow up. You should always have pride in how your kid looks when they walk out the door.”
To learn more about Spoiled! visit à