Go-Green Recipes
Dole Food Company, Inc. continues its “Healthier by Dole” alternative recipe series during March with a celebration of all things Irish and green in honor of both St. Patrick’s Day on March 17 and National Nutrition Month. “Healthier by Dole” is a series of nutritious plant-forward recipe and menu substitutes to iconic dishes enjoyed during life’s big and small […]
The Ultimate Valentine’s Day
Celebrate that special someone in your life with CÎROC Pomegranate Miss your BFF who you haven’t seen IRL in forever? Tired of giving your partner roses you picked up on your way home from work? Looking to celebrate the most important person in your life? Well, this Valentine’s Day, CÎROC Pomegranate has you covered! Celebrate the […]
Johnnie Walker, the world’s number one Scotch whisky, recently launched an exclusive Johnnie Walker Blue Label Lunar New Year limited edition. The stunning 2022 limited edition design created by Chinese artist Shan Jiang celebrates the year of the Tiger. The intricate illustrations by Shan Jiang are dedicated to the one who never walks alone… to the one […]
Girl Scout Cookie SZN
Hybrid selling model for 2022 incorporates innovative methods of online ordering and the return of in-person selling Today, Girl Scouts of the USA (GSUSA) kicks off the 2022 Girl Scout Cookie season nationally, bringing back the classic family favorites, plus the newest addition to the lineup: Adventurefuls™. Girl Scouts across the country will embark on a new […]
Saks widens its wellness portfolio with products from more than 100 brands Saks, the premier luxury ecommerce platform, announces the launch of its Wellness Shop on Saks.com. The shop, which has a dedicated place in both the women’s and men’s top navigation on the website, encompasses four key pillars: fitness, health & nutrition, sexual wellness and […]
Supporting Literacy
(Family Features) Reading is a foundation for learning, yet a vast gap exists in access to books for low-income neighborhoods. According to the Handbook of Literacy Research, in low-income neighborhoods, the ratio of books per child is just one age-appropriate book for every 300 children. Without books in the home, children lack the opportunity to […]
Worldwide Rescue & Security, Inc. offers trip planning tips to make the best of your 2022 vacations Domestic and international bookings are on the rise, especially for the second half of 2022. Hospitality vendors are welcoming guests with promises of increased cleanliness and contactless transactions. But much remains uncertain about upcoming getaways. COVID-19 is still […]
Cheers to Dry January
Health-Ade, the makers of delicious, bubbly beverages that support a happy and healthy gut, are launching “Keep The Happy in Happy Hour,” a campaign to kick off the new year and inspire consumers to choose kombucha as they look for alcohol swaps. Dry January has become a cultural moment for so many, with an increasing […]
Serendipity3 Brunch
The NYC Landmark Has Released a New Serendipitous Brunch Menu, as well as a New Cotton Candy Frrrozen Hot Chocolate Flavor Serendipity3 restaurant, the legendary New York City landmark and home of the world famous Frrrozen Hot Chocolate, today unveiled the newest additions to their iconic menu: Brunch items for the first time in the […]
Art At Your Table
Innovative Café Serves Creativity Instead of Food Inside the Atrium 916 gallery called Sacramento.Shop you will find upcycled, eco-friendly unique art and innovative products with a zero-waste twist. Wallets and messenger bags made out of tires, reusable water balloons and even a Chinese takeout container that has been converted into an amp and battery-operated blue tooth speaker. From clothes […]